Preparing for Battle: Support & Organization

Hi friends, This is my final post in a 3-part series about my family’s Special Education Formal Complaint and Mediation proceeding. If you are a new visitor to this blog, I’d recommend starting with the previous posts: Special Education Mediation Experience and  Formal Complaint & Mediation Processes Explained.

Over the years I have attempted to connect into the blind organizations: NFB, AFB, FFB, and others, but unfortunately there are no chapters within a 3-hour drive. Several of the groups suggested that I organize a coffee social or gathering but I wasn’t ready to commit. I wanted the relationships, but I have an autoimmune disease which makes my energy and overall health unpredictable.

So, prior to filing the complaint, my first step was to reach out to parents of VI kids whom I already knew.  They pointed me to other people and resources, and eventually, I decided to join Facebook to connect with the VI community. I’m not a fan of Facebook, but in this case, it has been a God-send.

I began posting questions and sharing a bit about our situation and the support was immense. Parents shared their stories and connected me to people who helped them.  As a way to show my gratitude for their service and as a way to help other parents who find themselves embarking on this treacherous path, I’ve compiled a list of services, people and organizational strategies that helped. Some of these services are specific to our state, but if you reach out they will do their best to connect you to local resources.


  1. Visit your state’s Board of Education website and contact every single person on the Visually Impaired services page. Explain the issues and ask for their advice and help.
  2. Call your local school board member and explain the issues and ask for their support.
  3. Contact your education system’s current braille materials production center. Explain your concerns and learn from them about the process and how it might be improved.
  4. Contact your state’s school for the blind and tell the headmaster about your issues and ask for their advice.
  5. Visit Wright’s Law Website for detailed information on Special Education Law.
  6. Contact Katherine Alstrin of Insight services for a free review of your child’s IEP.
  7. Contact Ladji Ruffian of Authentic Braille Masters if you are seeking on-demand high-quality Braille production.
  8. Contact Jackie Anderson a very knowledgeable advocate the state of Georgia.
  9. Contact Mitzi Proffitt, advocate Parent-to-Parent state of Georgia


  1. Kristin Smedley: Instagram, Facebook
  2. Hayley Lalsingh: Facebook/Messenger
  3. Richard Holloway: Blind Kid (Formerly GOPBC)
  4. Kimberly Banks: Her MUST READ articleNOPBC
  5. Jill Richmond: Facebook/Messenger
  6. And, of course, there were many others who helped by listening, feeding us, and lending encouragement. Special thanks to Wendy, Mikayla, Julie, Laura, and Angel.

ORGANIZATION: Document and organize everything as it happens. Don’t wait until you need to file a complaint to try to piece together the documents because you will forget important things. This is how I organize my records:

  1. One manila file folder for each meeting
  2. Label folder with the date and school year (10th)
  3. Staple the meeting’s agenda on the inside front cover.
  4. Each folder should contain all related documents: IEP or Addendum, meeting notes, related emails, and letters
  5. Write bullet points about which issues were covered in the meeting on the outside front cover of the manilla folder.
  6. One folder per meeting: For example, I have 9 folders for last year – one for each meeting I called.
  7. I keep all of the folders in a large accordion file, but you could use a file cabinet.


  1. Don’t give up, the fight for your child’s education is worth the battle.
  2. Time is of the essence. Formal Complaints only cover a 1-year period. Due Process only covers a 2-year period.
  3. Your student’s good grades or good attitude do not equal FAPE or IDEA. For example, our school believed they were upholding standards because I have a motivated and happy son who achieves good grades, however that does not excuse the fact that they were providing, late and inaccurate materials.
  4. Focus on this one particular battle. Don’t try to solve all accessibility issues for all kids – that’s too much for any one person. Do your small part in raising awareness and expectations.
  5. Be kind to yourself. This is hard work.
  6. Ask for help. See lists above.
  7. A learning curve is not a valid excuse. Schools are required to provide appropriate services and accessible materials that are timely and accurate even if they have never done it before (which many will claim).
  8. Schools cannot use their lack of personnel or resources as an excuse for not providing your child’s IEP services. They must adhere to your IEP, FAPE, and IDEA. Hold them accountable.
  9. Document & organize your records as you go. See the suggestions above.
  10. Fight the issues, not the people. Do your best to keep the discussions focused on specific issues, and do your best not to attack the character of the people involved.
  11. Remember to give thanks. Having an attitude of gratitude helps keep the big picture in perspective

If you have experience in this area, please feel free to comment or ask questions. It is completely appropriate to list services or ideas that worked for you. Thank you!

Also, if you need help, leave a comment and I’ll do my best to get you connected to helpful resources. Stay strong – our kids’ futures are worth every single battle.

Related posts:
The Advocacy Tightrope
Special Education Mediation Experience
Formal Complaint & Mediation Processes Explained

ID: Image of File folders labeled as outlined in the Organizational section of post.

6 thoughts on “Preparing for Battle: Support & Organization

  1. We have our meeting with the IEP team the Monday after Thanksgiving break. We will be meeting the new para professional and discussing detailed expectations of her role. My specific concern is the fact that she does not know braille.. it was the suggestion the teacher of visually impaired and her colleagues from vision services to hire a paraprofessional for Marley, not ours. Once the job listing was posted, and nobody applied because nobody Met the job listing requirements of knowing braille, they changed the listing that that person hired was to learn braille upon being hired. This change also bothers us very much without being consulted.


    1. I feel your pain. My son has an EXCELLENT dedicated para who has been with him for 5 school years. She has been learning on the job and has some braille skills and with software she has been able to create some accurate materials, but they are not necessarily formatted per UEB standards. However, with the rigor of advanced high school classes, she is unable to create materials at the rate of speed necessary to keep my son’s materials on track. That is why we insisted on either a county transcriber or a highly-recommended service. When the timelines are short no person, or service will be able to create high-quality braille fast enough. Our new agreement requires work to be provided to the service a full 3-weeks before it’s due. Allowing time for proper quality control. Any work that requires a faster turn around must be approved by the principal, then, and only then, will the para add it to her workflow. All other work goes to the service in advance. It was a huge fight. I know you are on top of this! Let me know if I can help in any way. Sending love and strength for the battle.

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