2022 Owens Family Update

Hi everyone, Hope you are well. Blog updates are few and far between these days as Kai is living his best life in college!

Kai is enjoying his sophomore year studying music theory and jazz drumset. The college is fulfilling all of his accommodations and it’s so refreshing after years of battling with our local school district.

Over the summer, Kai got matched with a guide dog, named Pride. The two of them make a great team! He’s living independently in a rental house just off campus with two roommates. Big brother Cash lived there in college, then purchased it as an investment when he started his job as a geologist in Houston, TX.

Kai and Pride walk to campus and then use the university transit system to get to class. If the weather is terrible or he needs to be someplace early, the university sends a paratransit van to assist. He could not be happier with his college experience. He’s involved in several activities including Spike Squad, performing at the local jazz brunches and open mics, volunteering at the animal shelter, and working part-time (consulting for Vispero). His plate is full but he couldn’t be happier.

Cash and his girlfriend Sydney are enjoying their jobs in Houston and we plan to visit over the holidays. I miss them all madly!

Chris and I are adjusting to empty nesting. Cash has been gone for a while and as much as I miss him, he’s happy and busy adulting. Even after a full year of college, Kai’s absence feels fresh. After fighting so hard for his education I find myself feeling a mixture of emotions: pride that he’s a strong self-advocate + joy about his college experience + relief that I’m not having to fight anymore + loneliness in the quiet house.

While Chris is at work, teaching, I took time to write a book about our family’s experience navigating blindness. I’m currently working with an editor and exploring publishing options. If you are interested in knowing more about the book please click here and sign up to receive updates about the book writing process and launch. My goal is to publish in paperback, Kindle, audio, and braille.

Thanks for all of your support and as always, you can find the most current updates on our Instagram and our blog’s features page. You may reach us by completing the contact form.

Take good care and keep in touch, Kim

Kai kneels down beside Pride. This picture was taken as we drove away after move in.

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